Low Back Pain

man positions hands on lower back

Low back pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal injuries that affects the everyday person. Low back pain can be caused by a multitude of different factors such as prolonged sitting, work ergonomics, exercise, lifting heavy objects, or simple movements like picking up your kids.

There are a couple of key variables that we should reference in regards to low back pain:

#1 – Your Low Back Pain Isn’t Something You Are Going to Deal with Forever

Through time, your pain will get better. By taking the appropriate course of action, there are various types of therapies that can help decrease pain and increase function. Therapies such as chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue therapy, or corrective movement and rehabilitation exercises all have been proven to help with low back pain and other forms of musculoskeletal pain. Which is why we use a combination of all of these different modalities in our office to give our patient’s the best possible outcome for their low back pain. 

#2 – Movement is Our Friend

One of our key principles that we place a strong emphasis on is movement. There are numerous research studies that show that implementing specific movement patterns and rehabilitation exercises can help accelerate the healing process from injury, specifically low back pain. This allows patients with low back pain to continue to stay active, but also increase blood flow to the injured area. Which subsequently helps with the inflammation process, and helps decrease pain over time. 

The key to all of this is to find exercises and movements that the patient can tolerate. Not everyone is the same. Which is why one exercise or movement that may be beneficial for one person, may not be beneficial for the other. This is why each patient in our office has a specific and tailored treatment plan programmed for them. We take our patients through various different exercises in order to determine which movements are the most beneficial for their injury. This method has provided great outcomes for our patients with low back pain and other types of musculoskeletal pain.

Dr. Vincent Youngross, DC

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